Rods To Let

Rods To Let

Lennel is owned by a Syndicate of 14 members some of whom let fishing occasionally.

For fishing ability see

Letting Conditions

1. Lennel is a four-rod beat, with 2 full-time boatmen. Extra boatmen maybe

employed in the Autumn from Aug to the end of October.

From February to the middle of August two boatmen are employed. During these times if further boatmen are required, there will be an extra charge.

Four days notice is required to arrange extra boatmen and if you are fishing Lennel for the first time you are advised to use one.

2. Fishermen must come with Salmon rods, chest waders and suitable transport to access the pools. The boatmen are not employed to transport fishermen to the beats.

Lennel fishing is a member of TFP (Tweed Flyfishing Preferred) Spinning may be allowed under certain conditions at the discretion of the head boatman.

3. The head boatman has sole responsibility for safety and when the boats can be used. You will be offered a lifejacket and asked to sign a disclaimer if you do not wear one.

4. It is compulsory to wear eye protection when fishing at Lennel and anyone not doing so will be asked to leave the fishing.

5. Fishermen are advised to meet at the hut, near Coldstream bridge, at 8.30 am when beats will be allocated and the beat rules will be explained.

6. You must ring the head boatman (Doug McDonald, 07557 646420) as soon as you have booked the fishing and he will advise you of the availability of boatmen and the likely cost.

7. Lennel Syndicate members take great pride in their fishing and would like all let rods to enjoy their experience. Please observe salmon fishing etiquette when fishing opposite a fisherman on the other bank and support the Tweed rules and conservation measures.